Task trackers and version control systems are great to blame colleagues for introducing issues.

If the goal is to fix the issue though, the fastest and cleanest way is to open the editor and figure the solution out.

@mudasobwa yeah. Unfortunately I often find the culprit is... myself 😅

@adamu the point is it should not matter at all, who was the culprit. Moving forward is always better than looking behind.


@mudasobwa @adamu you can just use VCS and tracker as history, sometime it is last chance to known why we did something exactly by this way :) And I really like merge in VCS...it is so safe. Except it, yes, I try to do not use this instruments for finding "bad guys", because if you have some problem, reason it is not developer, but developing processes and you need to improve them.

Есть люди, вот с ними и строить ракету, других нет, как хочешь так и вертись :)

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